
Give to the UCCS Pre-Collegiate Support & Success Center

About Giving


Your meaningful gift to the UCCS Pre-Collegiate Support & Success Center (PCSSC) ensures students who graduate from the UCCS Pre-Collegiate program and who enroll in UCCS can afford their studies. Your donation increases the amount of their award and helps us support more eligible students.

With your help, we can uplift students with mentoring and coaching services during their undergraduate years so they can reach their educational goals. Your donation helps our team prepare driven students for a brighter future.

How To Support

UCCS Pre-Collegiate Scholarship Fund

To provide annual scholarships to select, eligible graduates of the Pre-Collegiate Development Program (PCDP) who have been admitted to UCCS.

UCCS Pre-Collegiate Scholarship Fund

Pre-Collegiate Development Program Fund

Provides support for the Pre-Collegiate program at UCCS.

Pre-Collegiate Development Program Fund
Dr. Nancy Hernandez

A Word from the Director

Greetings! Your support helps the Pre-Collegiate Program at UCCS prepare students for postsecondary success. We know without sufficient financial aid, some of our most talented students face financial barriers, but with collective giving from caring donors like you, we can eliminate that barrier. I hope you'll consider supporting our scholars with a generous contribution to the Pre-Collegiate Scholarship Fund or with a donation to help extend opportunities through our programs. Those opportunities are key to a student's success and include academic and socio-emotional support, leadership and STEM skills. All of this ensures students can take their educational journey to the next phase. And this is possible when we have donors who help us open doors for our driven students. Thank you!

To learn more, please contact our office.