Colorado Springs High School Programs

Colorado Springs

High School Programs

High School Programs


Workshops are opportunities for Pre-Collegiate high school scholars to learn and practice skills related to academic and personal success before, during, and after college. Some examples of workshops include time management, note-taking, budgeting, communication, leadership, college fit, and financial aid.

Workshop information and activities are created under the supervision of Pre-Collegiate professional staff, often in collaboration with campus and community partners, and are facilitated by an amazing team of Program Coaches.

Dual Enrollment 

Pre-Collegiate offers rising 11th and 12th-grade scholars the opportunity to take a college course during the Summer Academic Institute. These are normal fifteen-to-seventeen-week classes taught by university faculty and condensed into four weeks. As such, they are content-heavy and fast-paced. We provide opportunities for review and study with Teaching Assistants assigned to each class to ensure students understand the material and are ultimately successful. Due to the rigorous nature of these classes, we require a full four-week commitment with no room for absence outside of short-notice emergencies, illness, etc. Tuition, fees, and course materials are covered by Pre-Collegiate.

The College Experience Program (CXP)

The College Experience (CXP) is a program funded by the El Pomar Foundation in collaboration with the UCCS Pre-Collegiate. CXP offers scholars the opportunity to explore college campuses in the Pikes Peak Region while also learning about academic offerings and career opportunities.

Recommendation Form

The teacher must teach one of the following content areas: English/Literature, Math, Science, or Social Studies. Students must share the link with their recommending teacher.

Recommitment Form

Scholars who are transitioning from the Middle School Pre-Collegiate Development Program into the High School Development Program must submit a Recommitment Form

  • Completed Recommitment Form – Scholars who are transitioning from the Middle School Pre-Collegiate Development Program into the High School Development Program must submit a Recommitment Form.
  • Fall and Spring Grade Report Students will submit grade reports to We will accept official transcripts, unofficial transcripts, or a screenshot of learning management systems (ex: Power School, Infinite Campus, Schoology, etc.) The grade report must show the student's name and the date of the report.

Program Scholarships

Scholars who remain in Pre-Collegiate through their 12th-grade year and who graduate from high school are eligible for several scholarships to attend UCCS, CU Boulder, or CU Denver.  At UCCS, the scholarships available to graduating Pre-Collegiate scholars are

  • Lycan Scholarship (up to $2,000, merit-based, one-time award),
  • Pioneer Scholarship (up to $3,000, need-based, renewable)
  • President's Scholarship (up to $1,250, need-based, renewable)
  • Tuition Support Scholarship (up to $40,000, need-based, renewable up to 4 years)
  • Automatic Admissions Scholarship (up to $1,000 for scholars who apply early to UCCS, a one-time award)
  • Legado de Colorado Scholarship (up to $10,000, need-based, renewable up to 4 years, open to Pre-Collegiate students from the UCCS, CU Denver, CU Boulder, or CU Anschutz programs)
  • Pueblo Pre-Collegiate Scholarship (up to $2,500, need-based, renewable up to 4 years, only available for Pre-Collegiate scholars from Pueblo)
  • United Way Scholarship ($500, need-based, renewable).
  • Wells Fargo Scholarship ($2,000, need-based, renewable up to 4 years, open to any Pre-Collegiate scholars attending a CU institution).

To apply to these scholarships, Pre-Collegiate scholars must first apply to UCCS and indicate they are a Pre-Collegiate scholar on their application.  Then they can sign in using their UCCS Username and Password here to begin their applications. Scholars are encouraged to contact the Pre-Collegiate team for support with their applications.

Application Process

  • Completed Application – The application should be completed after attending an information session.
  • Personal Essay - Students will email their essay to Essays should be between 250 and 500 words (1-2 pages). Please be sure to submit work that is of the same quality you would turn in at school, meaning that you should edit your essay to look for typos, and to check for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting.
    • Prompt: Please describe what commitment means to you and discuss how you would show your commitment to Pre-Collegiate if you are accepted into this program. 
  • Fall and Spring Grade Report Students will email their grade report to We will accept official transcripts, unofficial transcripts, or a screenshot of learning management systems (ex: Power School, Infinite Campus, Schoology, etc.) The grade report must show the student's name and the date of the report.
  • One recommendation from a Teacher – The teacher must teach one of the following content areas: English/Literature, Math, Science, or Social Studies. Students must share the link with their recommending teacher.

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