Pueblo Pre-Collegiate Development Program: Middle School & High School Recruitment
Who are Pueblo UCCS Pre-Collegiate students?

Pre-Collegiate students come with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Pre-Collegiate recruits first-generation and/or military dependent students who are motivated to explore opportunities that might be a good fit for their plans after high school. Pre-Collegiate recruits students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Application Materials
Complete New Student Application Includes:
- Completed Application – The application should be completed after attending an information session.
- Personal Essay - Students will email their essay to pcdp@uccs.edu. Essays should be between 250 and 500 words (1-2 pages). Please be sure to submit work that is of the same quality you would turn in at school, meaning that you should edit your essay to look for typos, and to check for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting.
- Prompt: Please describe what commitment means to you and discuss how you would show your commitment to Pre-Collegiate if you are accepted into this program.
- Fall and Spring Grade Report - Students will email their grade report to pcdp@uccs.edu. We will accept official transcripts, unofficial transcripts, or a screenshot of learning management systems (ex: Power School, Infinite Campus, Schoology, etc.) The grade report must show the student's name and the date of the report.
- One recommendation from a Teacher – The teacher must teach one of the following content areas: English/Literature, Math, Science, or Social Studies. Students must share the link with their recommending teacher.
Complete Student Recommitment Includes:
- Completed Recommitment Form – This form is only intended for students who participated in UCCS Pre-Collegiate’s Middle School Program during 8th Grade.
- Fall and Spring Grade Report - Students will upload grade reports in the electronic application directly. We will accept official transcripts, unofficial transcripts, or a screenshot of learning management systems (ex: Power School, Infinite Campus, Schoology, etc.) The grade report must show the student's name and the date of the report.
Applications must be complete in full.
Pre-Collegiate Program Application
Due Friday October 28, 2022
Pre-Collegiate High School Recommendation Form
Due November 30, 2022
Pre-Collegiate High School Recommitment Form

Dates coming soon!
Dates coming soon!
Dates coming soon!
Dates coming soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
Pre-Collegiate's middle and high school recruitment generally takes place August through October for seventh and ninth grade students.
All students should attend an information session prior to applying (unless you are applying for the 2023 cohort in Pueblo). In addition to sharing more information about our program, we outline application steps and due dates at information sessions. Interested students will then need to complete an application (link), write a personal essay, share a current grade report, and get one recommendation from a core content teacher to apply to UCCS Pre-Collegiate (high school only).
General information sessions are open to 7th and 9th grade students from any middle and high school in the Pueblo area. Information session dates are updated on this webpage each fall as they are confirmed, so check back regularly. We will also share details about information sessions on our social media pages.
- Facebook: UCCS Pre-Collegiate Development Program
- Instagram: UCCS_PCDP
Yes! Seventh and ninth grade students from any school or district in the Pueblo area, who meet eligibility requirements are welcome to apply. Please attend a general information session to learn more about whether the Pre-Collegiate Development Program is the right fit for you! For more information, please contact the Pre-Collegiate team at pcdp@uccs.edu.
Students who participated in UCCS Pre-Collegiate's Middle School Program will not need to fully complete an application to the High School Program. If students would like to continue to the high school program, they will need to complete the Recommitment Form and submit a transcript that shows a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Transitioning middle school students must attend a Fall Orientation in the fall of their freshman year to learn about the differences between Pre-Collegiate's middle school program and the high school program.
There are occasionally opportunities for students in these grade levels to apply to the program, but acceptance will be dependent upon available spaces in those cohorts. If you have questions or would like more information about opportunities that may be available to you, email pcdp@uccs.edu.
Applications are generally due at the end of October. This year’s recruitment deadline is Wednesday, November 30, 2022.
There are several definitions of what it means to be a first-generation college student. UCCS Pre-Collegiate defines a first-generation student as a student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) have not graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from a college or university in the United States.
Pre-Collegiate defines a military dependent as a student who has had a parent or guardian who has been active or reserve duty in the military within the past 10 years.
UCCS Pre-Collegiate gives priority in admission to first-generation students and/or military dependents, but all completed applications submitted before the application due date will be considered.
Yes. Pre-Collegiate considers each student’s full application and determines acceptances on a case-by-case basis.
Applications are due at the end of November. Pre-Collegiate reviews student applications in December, and notifies all applicants—whether accepted, denied, or waitlisted—of their status with the program in mid-December.
Accepted students will participate in New Student Orientation in January. Details about the mandatory orientation and spring programming will be sent with acceptance notifications in December.
Yes, sometimes. While much of our programming will take place in Pueblo, there will be times when we will have workshops, events, and programming on the UCCS campus. More information on this will be sent with acceptance notifications.
A letter of recommendation is a letter written by someone who can recommend an individual's work or academic performance. You will need letters of recommendation when you apply to jobs, college, and summer programs. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to request one from a teacher at your school!
Applicants are required to submit at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher in one of the following content areas: English/Literature, Math, Science, or Social Studies.
Applicants are responsible for sharing the recommendation form link below with the teacher who can speak to your skills, performance, and habits at school.
It is recommended that you give your recommender at least two weeks' notice before the application deadline to complete the form.
Need help drafting an email to your teacher? Not sure how to request a letter of recommendation? See the example below:
Dear _________,
I am in the process of applying to the UCCS Pre-Collegiate Development Program at UCCS. I am applying to this program because _________. I am writing to ask if you would be willing to complete a recommendation for my application? I chose you as a recommender because _________.
If you are willing to support me in this way, the recommendation form can be found at this link: _________. My completed application is due _________. If you could please complete the recommendation form before this due date, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please let me know if I can answer any questions that may help you in completing this recommendation. Thank you for your support!